Steam WordPress Theme is the most advanced magazine-style
wordpress theme available. Complete page Builders, unique minisite
system, custom awards and badges, full weighted author and user ratings,
AJAX post sorting and filtering, all wrapped in a stunning, unique,
newly-inspired design.
Steam WordPress Theme Components
- WooCommerce 2.0+ full integration and compatibility
- BuddyPress 1.7+ compatible
- AJAX admin panel
- 630 Google fonts
- 130 icons (via icon fonts)
- Full Google rich snippet and review integration
- Unlimited custom sidebars
- Unlimited colors and styles (custom logos, layouts, toggle display of all sliders and elements)
- Page builder for front page, archive pages, standard pages, unique for each minisite
- Mega menu dynamically loads posts for minisites, taxonomies, categories, and tags
- Sticky top bar with menu and login/account/register controls for improved user experience and accessibility
- Shortcodes based on Bootstrap library (see them in action):
- Alert boxes (4 styles, 2 types)
- Buttons (5 sizes, 7 styles, 2 types)
- Content Carousel
- Hero Unit
- 130 built-in icons (any color or size)
- Labels & Badges (6 styles)
- Columns (one half down to one sixth, mix and match)
- Lists (15 styles, any color)
- Modal Dialog Box
- Popovers (4 directions)
- Tooltips (4 directions)
- Progress Bars (5 styles, 3 types)
- Blockquotes (including right-floated pullquote)
- Signoffs
- Tables (5 styles)
- Toggles & Accordions
- Tabs (2 styles, 4 layouts)
- Dividers & “back to top” links
- Styled ampersands
- Miscellaneous utilities including divs, spans, clearers and floats
- Widgets
- All Articles – Displays paginated articles with several available filtering options.
- Clouds – Displays your tags, categories, and/or minisite primary taxonomy items in a tag cloud format.
- Latest Articles
– Displays latest articles from a specific minisite, all minisites, or
all articles, and can be limited to a specific category and/or tag.
- Reviews – Displays latest reviews from selected minisites.
- Sections – Displays the latest articles from selected minisites in tabbed format using the minisite icons as the tab navigation.
- Social Counts – Displays social counts for the most popular social networks.
- Social Tabs – Displays Latest Tweets, Facebook Like Box, Flickr Photos, and Recent Comments
- Top 10 – Widget version of the Top 10 slider.
- Top Reviewed – Displays top reviewed articles from a designated recent time period for a specific minisite or all minisites together.
- Trending Articles – Displays sortable trending articles in bar graph style with metric counts.
- Custom menus (4 locations)
- Featured videos (display them in your article listings too!)
- Lightbox effect and navigation automatically added to galleries and images
- Paged, nested, styled comments
- Custom login logo
- Custom 404 and search results layouts
- Localized and translatable (.po file provided)
- Tested and works great with BuddyPress 1.7+
- One-click minisite builder
- Complete Review/Rating system built in:
- Stars, Numbers, Percentages, Letter Grades
- Weighted criteria
- Editor and User ratings (or one or the other)
- Rank all reviews by editor or user ratings
- Pretty jQuery rating animations
- Live AJAX user total score updating
- Users can create detailed reviews and submit them in the comments
- Unlimited star colors
- Three main layouts: right sidebar, left sidebar, full-width
- AJAX post loop sorting & filtering controls:
- Most Recent
- Most Liked
- Most Viewed
- Highest Editor Rated
- Highest User Rated
- Most Commented
- Most Awarded
- Custom ad network (supports Google Adsense and any other ad vendor)
- 30 footer layouts
- Unlimited social badges
- Views & Likes stats with live AJAX updating
- Awards & Badges system (custom user-defined)
- Related posts engine (5 algorithms to choose from)
- Steam WordPress Theme free download nulled
- Minisite directories (2 types, 4 styles, 2 layouts)
- Author listing template (exclude/include by role or username)
- Page-specific background images and colors
- Theme options for Google Analytics, custom CSS, and custom JavaScript
- Theme Options importer/exporter tool
- Complete demo site provided with 3-step install instructions
- Fancy tooltips
- Email signup
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